Heal Your Cracked Lips Naturally

How to Heal Cracked Lips Naturally?


How to Heal Cracked Lips Naturally?

Lips are the most sensitive part of our face and if we do not care them, they often get cracked and chapped leading to discomfort like soreness, burning sensation, bleeding, tingling and peeling of the skin. Cracked lips often occurs in dry and cold climates because of less moisture in the environment leading to dehydration in the skin and lips. Along with dehydration cracked lips can happen due to allergies and applying lip balms that contains harmful chemicals can further worsen the situation.

To make your lips naturally soft and supple, in this blogpost we are going to discuss:

Causes of Cracked Lips 

  • Environmental factors like cold weather, wind and sun exposure dehydrates your skin and lips making them cracked and chapped.
  • Not drinking enough water makes your lips dry and cracked due to dehydration in the body.
  • Using lip products which contains harmful ingredients can damage your lips and make them dry and cracked.
  • Licking lips frequently strips off moisture from the lips and makes them dry.

Best Natural Remedies for Cracked Lips 

Coconut Oil 

Coconut oil moisturizes lips and has anti-inflammatory properties which soothes and heals cracked lips.
Just apply small amount of coconut oil directly to the lips especially before bed.


Honey locks moisture in the lips keeping them hydrated and has antibacterial properties which prevents infection on damaged lips. 
Simply apply raw honey on your lips as an overnight lip mask.

Aloe Vera 

Aloe Vera soothes, hydrates the lips and reduces inflammation.
You can apply fresh aloe vera gel to your lips as a lip mask.

Cucumber Slices 

Cucumber helps to soothe and hydrates the damaged lips giving them cooling effect.
Simply place cucumber slices on your lips for few minutes.

Shea Butter 

Shea Butter contains Vitamin A and E which helps to nourish the lips deeply and creates a barrier on the lips which helps to protect them from environmental damage.
Simply apply a thick layer of Shea Butter on your lips before bed to repair them overnight or apply small amount of it frequently throughout the day.

DIY Natural Lip Balm Recipe

How to Heal Cracked Lips Naturally: DIY Lip Balm 

DIY lip balm gives you control what ingredient to put in your lip balm. If you have certain allergies to any specific ingredient you can avoid that. It gives you freedom to make preservative free lip balm.

Simple Lip Balm Recipe

Ingredients needed: 

  1. Coconut oil 
  2. Beeswax 
  3. Shea Butter 
  4. Any Essential oil (optional)


  1. Melt beeswax and add coconut oil and shea butter to it .
  2. Once melted, cool down the mixture and if you want, you can add essential oil to it for extra properties and fragrance.
  3. Pour the mixture into lip balm container and once it set properly your lip balm is ready to apply.


  • You can swap the ingredients according to availability and needs such as you can replace shea butter with cocoa butter, beeswax with soy wax and can use any essential oil according to your preference.

Daily Natural Lip Care Routine 

Morning Routine 

Start your day with applying oil to your lips like coconut oil or natural lip balm with SPF to nourish and protect your lips from the sun's harmful UV rays.

During the Day 

Apply lip balm frequent times a day especially after eating to keep them nourished.

Night Routine 

Before bed, apply a thick layer of coconut oil or natural lip balm for the process of rejuvenation overnight.


Gently exfoliate your lips once or twice a week using natural remedies or store bought natural lip scrub to remove dead skin cells.

Lifestyle Tips to Prevent Cracked Lips 


Keep your lips and body hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Dietary Factors 

Food rich in vitamin A and Vitamin E promotes soft and healthy lips.

Protective Measures 

Use scarf or lip balm with SPF to protect lip from sun damage.


Cracked lips can happen due to various reasons such as dry and cold climate, allergies, using harsh lip products, not drinking enough water, habits like licking lips etc. but the thing is that cracked lips comes with problems like burning and tingling sensation, bleeding, soreness etc. which is very painful and uncomfortable. So, to overcome these problems you can try some natural remedies like coconut oil, honey, aloe vera, cucumber slices and shea butter that holds the potential for treating cracked lips. You can even make your DIY natural lip balm as store bought chemical loaded lip balm can further worsen the already damaged lips. Have a consistent lip care routine, hydrate your lips by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, eat food rich in vitamin A and E and use lip balm with SPF for healthy and soft lips.

Follow the tips and DIY remedies shared in this blogpost, you'll definitely love the outcome. Last but not the least, switching to natural products not only benefits your lips but your overall health and environment.


Ques.1. What is the fastest way to heal a cracked lip?
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. 
  • Use natural oil or natural lip balm to moisturize lips.
  • Protect your lips from environmental damage.
Ques.2. What to put on lips overnight?
Ans. You can use fresh aloe vera gel or raw honey as overnight lip mask.

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