Ultimate guide to Vegan skincare routine and products

In this article, we are going to explore vegan skin care routines and vegan skin care products. Vegan skin care refers to skin care without using any product that are derived from animals. Non vegan products  are cruel and harsh towards animals. Shifting to vegan products, we make choices that are not harsh to animals.

What's in the post?

What is vegan skin care 

Benefits of vegan skin care 

Key ingredients of vegan skin care 

Vegan skin care routine 

Diy vegan skin care Recipes 

Challenges in vegan skin care routine 


What is Vegan Skin Care ?

Vegan skin care

Vegan skin care is skin care  using products and ingredients that are not made from animals. Beeswax , lanolin, collagen or carmine are animal derived ingredients that have been used for skincare. Whereas vegan skincare  completely based on plant-based ingredients and products.

The vegan movement is the movement that rises their voice against animals' exploitation, making them our source of earning. People around the world are becoming conscious about the quality of life animals face due to the use of animal-based products. They are shifting to vegan lifestyle and products. 

There are so many new skincare products in the market that are vegan. Consumers are also increasing day by day for vegan skin care products with the popularity of vegan skin care.

Benefits of Vegan Skin Care

There are so many benefits of vegan skin routine.

1. Cruelty free

Vegan skin care is cruelty-free. Products are made without harming animals in the production process. 

2. Environmentally friendly

These products are also environmentally friendly as compared to conventional skin care products. This reduces the negative impact of the skin care industry.

3. Gentle on skin

Vegan skin care products are more gentle on skin. These are made from plant based ingredient that are best for their healing properties.

4. Rich in nutrients 

These products made from natural ingredients are packed with vitamin ,mineral and antioxidant that are essential for hearing and brightening for our skin.

Ingredients in Vegan Skin Care

Aloe vera

It is a plant that is non for its soothing and cooling properties. This is best for curing acne, pimple and sun tan.

Coconut Oil

Best for anti-inflammatory properties and cooling properties. It is used as a nourishing and moisturizing ingredient in vegan skin care products.


This is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It is best for sensitive skin.

Tea Tree Oil

It is a powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory ingredient used for acne and pimples.

Vegan Skin Care Routine

1. Cleansing 

A gentle cleanser helps to remove dirt, oil, and impurities from the skin. 

Choose a best vegan cleanser that suits your skin type and condition.

These are some best vegan cleanser:


2.  Toner 

Vegan skincare routine 

Toning helps to hydrate the skin maintaining the pH level of skin.
Choose a vegan toner. 

You can use rose water or witch hazel toner.

3.  Moisturizing 

Moisturizing helps to nourish skin and promotes healing and regenerating.

Choose a vegan moisturizer.

These are some of the best vegan moisturizer:



4.  Sunscreen 

Sunscreen is essential to apply if you go for outside to protect your skin from harmful UV rays of the Sun.

These are some of the best vegan sunscreen:

DIY Vegan skin care Recipes

Face mask 

Diy vegan face mask

  • Take two tablespoon of aloe vera gel. 
  • 1 table spoon of coconut oil.
  • 1 table spoon of turmeric powder.
  • Miss all the ingredients. 
  • Apply this mixture for 15 to 20 minutes before washing.

Green tea Toner

  • Take one tablespoon of green tea. 
  • One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • Four drops of tea tree oil.
  •  Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle. 
  • You can use it now on your face.

Challenges in Vegan Skin Care

Ingredient Sourcing

It becomes challenging to decide whether the ingredients are completely vegan or not. Some vitamins and fatty acids can be derived from both plants and animals. It is important to verify and research properly before choosing.

Shorter life span

Vegan skin care products  may have shorter life span as compared to conventional product due to not use of synthetic preservatives. So it is essential to look for products life span before buying and use it within its time frame.


Plant based ingredient may be allergic to some people. So it is important to perform a patch test before using any product.


Skin care is a step towards humanity by taking care of your skin. It has so many benefits for our surroundings, environment, and for our skin as well. Being rich in nutrients, there are many plant-based ingredients that we can use for good skin care. Many vegan skin care products are easily available in our market to choose from. We can also try our own skin care recipes. There are many challenges on our way to vegan skin care, but these challenges can be overcome easily with a little attention.

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