Guide to Ayurveda skincare routine for healthy skin

Skin care is not just about using face wash and moisturizer on skin. There is a popular quote" What Inside reflects outside ". It is the basic principle behind Ayurveda. It does not just focus on the symptoms but the causes of symptoms. In this article, we are going to explore Best Ayurvedic skin care routine for clear inside and glowing outside. 

What's in the blog 

What is ayurveda?

Ayurveda skincare routine 

Ayurveda is the Indian system of medicine for 5000 years. Ayurveda focuses on the overall well-being of the body. Ayurveda emphasizes on healthy diet, natural ingredients and overall well being.

Ayurveda says that human body is made up of give elements - air , water , soil, space and fire. These five elements combine and form doshas in human body. Every people has a unique combination  of doshas in their body. Understanding doshas is important to understand one' s skin traits and creating  best ayurvedic skincare routine.

Ayurvedic skin care routine works on 

Natural ingredient

Using natural ingredients on our skin for cleansing and moisturizing. 

Holistic approach 

Focuses on the overall well-being of one 


Personalize it for personal skin traits and dosha. 

Understanding doshas

There are three dominating doshas—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. 


Vata is made up of air and ether. This body type is mainly thin and has delicate skin that is prone to wrinkles and fine lines. People with this type of skin need hydration and moisturization.


Pitta is a mixture of fire and water. It is dominating in sensitive skin that is prone to acne and other inflammatory diseases. People with this body type needs cooling and soothing.


Kapha is the combination of earth and water. It's main characteristic are oily, thick and prone to congestion and enlarged pores skin. It's skin care needs are clarifying and detoxifying to balance the production of excess oil.

Daily ayurvedic skin care routine 


First step is Cleansing. Use only natural ingredients such as chickpea flour , milk or honey to cleanse your face.


Second step is toning. Apply herbal toners like real rose water, kewra water or cucumber water to tighten the skin and maintains the pH of skin. 


 Moisturizer skin with coconut oil , sesame oil or kumkumadi tailum.

Sun protection 

Use only organic herbal based sunscreen to protect your screen from harmful you UV rays.

Weekly ayurvedic skincare routine 

Facial mask 

Vata - use hydrating face mask of yogurt honey or avocado.

Pitta - use cooling mask like multani mitti or Fuller's Earth or kaolin clay mask

Kapha- use exploiting mask of clay, turmeric and lemon.


Use lavender, chamomile, and neem in hot boiling water for steaming.

Body scrub

Use a natural scrub like sugar and olive oil or coffee grounds and coconut oil to deeply cleanse your skin.

Seasonal skin care routine


Focuses on detoxifying the skin with lightening and refreshing skin treatments.


Focuses on soothing products to fight the hotness of the skin.


Focuses on moisturizing the skin to prevent skin problems in winter.

Ayurvedic diet for glowing skin

Ayurveda skincare routine: ayurvedic diet 


For vata people, eat cooked vegetables, grains, and healthy fats. 

Drink plenty of water and herbal teas to hydrate your body.


Cooling and soothing food are suggested for people with pitta body type to get protected from inform inflammatory skin diseases.

Consume foods like cucumber , melons and leafy green.

Drink plenty of water with cooling herbs.


Consume light dry and warming foods like spices, legumes and fruits. 

Drink plenty of water. 

Note: Avoid skin irritant food like caffeine, processed  food and sugar to keep your body and skin healthy.

Ayurvedic herbs and ingredients to keep your skin healthy 


Neem has antibacterial properties, making it a boon for people with acne-prone skin. It can be used as neem oil. Apply  directly on the face or in face masks.


Turmeric has brightening and anti-inflammatory properties, good for hyperpigmentation. Use turmeric powder in a facial mask mixed with yogurt.


Tulsi has a cooling effect, good for sensitive skin. Use Tulsi paste on your skin or use Tulsi infused toner.


Sandalwood is known for cooling and soothing effect perfect for sensitive skin. Use sandalwood powder to create a soothing and face mask for your skin.

Aloe vera 

Aloe vera hydrates and heals our skin. Mix aloe vera paste with face mask or apply  directly on your face

Ayurvedic lifestyle tips for healthy skin 

Maintain good sleep routine

Sleep is detox for our skin. Good sleep helps us to heal our skin overnight. It helps in reducing the appearance of dark circle and dullness your skin. Ensure 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.

Yoga and meditation

Yoga and meditation: Ayurveda skincare routine 

Yoga helps in stress management for healthy life and healthy skin. It improves the overall circulation of blood that add glow to our skin.

Massage with oil (Abhyanga)

Abhyanga: Ayurveda skincare routine

Abhyanga or massaging with oil is an old ayurvedic practice. Use lukewarm oil for massaging to increase blood circulation and nourishing the skin.

DIY ayurvedic skin care routine 


Cleanse with a paste of chickpea flour and turmeric with water or milk to remove dirt and brighten the complexion.


Use toner , rose water ,  rice water  or cucumber water prepared at home as a toner to hydrate your skin.


Aloe vera gel can be used directly on the face or mixed with one drop of almond oil tto moisturize your skin.

Ayurvedic solution to common skin care problems 


Use anti inflammatory cooling face mask. Sandalwood face mask is the no best for acne..

Consume bitter gourd and ash gourd to purify your blood.

Cut down on savory food, spices, and chili as these can increase Pitta in the body.

Dry skin 

Massage your face with warm oil at night before sleeping. Eat healthy fats such as soaked almonds and walnuts.

Hyperpigmentation and dark spots

For hyperpigmentation and dark spots, use a brightening face mask of turmeric, chickpea flour, honey, and yogurt.


Ayurveda is a solution to most skin care problems. Using an Ayurvedic skin care routine simplifies our life and our skin care with ingredients at home. This simple Ayurvedic skin care routine helps your skin heal and glow. Incorporate these changes into your life and adjust them to your lifestyle.

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Natural skin care routine for your skin

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